Responsibility for our employees

Every part is a part of us. - The protection of our employees is our top priority.

At GEDIA, each and any part counts: Each production part, because we develop and manufacture innovative structural parts for lightweight car body construction together with almost all major car manufacturers. And any human part, because this would not be possible without our 4,700 motivated and competent employees. We attach great importance to a corporate culture that is characterized by mutual respect and support. We actively promote the competence, creativity and performance of our employees, thereby continuously increasing their motivation and sense of responsibility.


Policy statement to respect human rights

We are committed to respecting human rights. As a company, we underline this with the Human Rights Policy embedded in our principles towards our employees and all those who are impacted by our business activities, our business relationships, our supply chain and our products. As a company, we take responsibility and care to ensure that our ethical guidelines are adhered to in all locations worldwide. We will prevent and promptly address negative impacts on people affected by our business activities, our business relationships, our supply chain and our products, should they occur. Positive impacts, on the other hand, are aimed to further strengthened and advanced by us.


The workplace - a sensitive protected space

In addition to consistently upholding human rights in the GEDIA Group, the focus in 2021 was on compliance with the general equal treatment act (AGG). Global training for managers focused on raising awareness of the various forms of sexual harassment. In a joint effort, the works council and human resources developed an internal guideline for reporting and dealing with incidents of sexual harassment, which was introduced internationally. A trusted anti-discrimination unit, consisting of a trained group of employees, was established to report and handle such cases.


Because work must be safe.

At GEDIA, occupational health and safety is ensured by a preventive occupational safety culture.
Equipping all employees with personal protective equipment, regular training and workshops on the topic of occupational safety, as well as many other measures, have contributed to significantly reducing the number of occupational accidents in the GEDIA Group in 2021, despite increased working hours.

In addition, since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, measures adapted to current events have been regularly defined and recorded in an internal action guideline for infection control. A designated team meets weekly and aims to educate employees about applicable rules and to minimize the incidence of infection within the company. In addition to publishing information, medical masks and self-tests are provided free of charge to employees. Support for vaccinations is also available. GEDIA helps its employees with booking appointments at the local vaccination center and gives them time off for appointments during working hours.

As a further protective measure, the home office has been extended across the board. The government's compulsory home office proves that mobile working works very well in many business sectors. From the original two days of home office per month before the pandemic, it will be possible for employees to work from home up to ten days per month once the home office obligation is phased out. The resulting work-life balance contributes to employee satisfaction. Further measures regarding mobile working are being discussed and will be implemented in the future.

Learn more about sustainability at GEDIA

Social engagement

Helping is part of our culture

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Environment and quality

Awareness of what we do

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