Blind networking with the help of a duck?
This is exactly what we experienced at the “South Westphalia Duck Race”. A project that aims to promote exchange between companies from different districts in the region - by passing on a duck.
Shortly after Moss GmbH was assigned to us as a partner with the help of a lottery, we started the first network meeting.
Yesterday morning, Laura Schrage and Marie Schürholz from our HR team had the pleasure of welcoming Jan Bröckelmann, Marketing Manager Europe at Moss GmbH. A short round of introductions was followed by an exchange about current challenges in the various industries and exciting insights into the different professional worlds.
After the meeting, the South Westphalia duck “Otto from the Olpe district” was handed over to Mr. Bröckelmann. Now that she has been able to get to know the automotive industry in detail, she is looking forward to a completely new topic at Moss GmbH: she will be immersed in the world of advertising and will be able to try her hand at textile printing of all kinds.
We are already looking forward to seeing how the duck's journey will continue.
Thank you very much for the enriching exchange, the friendly meeting and the great idea from Südwestfalen Agentur!