1,000 euros raised for a good cause: GEDIA presents donation to the Attendorn food bank
This week, the GEDIA Automotive Group presented a donation of 1,000 euros to the Attendorn food bank. The donation is the result of the successful participation in this year's CITY CYCLING, in which GEDIA employees also participated from September 2nd to 22nd. With 32 committed participants, the “GEDIA Bikers” team covered an impressive 10,047 kilometers, not only sending a strong signal for climate protection and social commitment, but also achieving the highest absolute number of kilometers.
The fundraising campaign was initiated at the end of last year by Jonas Martel, an employee in GEDIA's materials laboratory and an enthusiastic cyclist himself, who wanted to get even more colleagues involved in the sporting event and link it directly to a charitable cause.
The GEDIA management was happy to accept this proposal in order to promote climate protection on the one hand, but also social commitment in the local area on the other. “We have participated in the CITY CYCLING campaign for the third time in a row, with more participants every year. We thought Mr. Martel's idea was great. It is important to us to support local initiatives such as the Tafel and to show solidarity with people in our region,” explains Markus Engelbertz, member of the GEDIA management board, who presented the symbolic check.
In addition to their own donation initiative, GEDIA received a special prize of 500 euros from the city of Attendorn for the highest number of kilometers cycled. This amount was already handed over to the Caritas-AufWind kindergarten in Saßmicke at the beginning of November.
GEDIA was impressed by the wide range of voluntary work carried out by the many helpers, which goes far beyond simply handing out food. In addition to financial donations, the Attendorn food bank also gladly accepts surplus, but qualitatively flawless food, as well as clothing, toys, furniture and decorative items that are in good condition.